Blues Widowers

Don’t flatter me until you know me. Then you can spoil and flatter me all you want. Be honest have natural photos. Be your true self.

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Independent lady, not looking for a man to take care of me, but a friend that can understand and appreciate an intelligent, independent woman that would like a man in her life. I’ve been successful, but now I want to slow down. Love my children and...

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Nadam se da i dalje mogu da prodjem. Duhovit, veseo, optimistican. Trazim slicnu zensku osobu, slicnih godina i pristojnog izgleda radi druzenja, a za kasnije... videcemo

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Smart,funny, lovable and we both know that no kids and have been divorced no drama

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Mislim da je najteze opisati samog sebe.Kad se budemo sreli onda presudite sami.Mislim da sam ok osoba,smirena nasmejana, pomalo duhovita sa smislom za humor.

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Doresc sa cunosc o doamna sanatoasa,pensionara si fara obligatii, cu varsta de 60-70 de ani, care sa se mute la mine. Am spatiu corespunzator in Bucuresti.

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Fortfarande fullt aktiv. Mycket kontakt med barn och barnbarn. Hundpromenader må-fre. god man åt ett åt ett halvt dussin personer. Reste en del tidigare, med dåligt med det under pandemin. Vill gärna göra det igen. Vill du följa med?

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