Latin Widowers

Obožavam prirodu i životinje, aktivnosti napolju a naj relax je plivanje. Smejanje i humor je moja potreba. Radost je veća, kad se ima sve to s kim podeliti. Nisam PREMIUM član, pa ne mogu ni čitati ni odgovoriti na poruke!! Username Fb mmarcisvozar

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5'2" 125# blonde blue, modern but old fashion, honest, considerate, total romantic, like country and smooth jazz, cooking, BBQing, RV, can bait my own hook. Motorcycle ridibg. Enjoy visiting wineries in our beautiful state. The man looking for me...

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Laid back part Maori. Widower 5yrs. Lousy cook, grandfather to 6. Live with a Chihuahua named Cody. Looking for a LTR with a woman who would take me as I am.

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Sono un uomo di 72 anni e cerco un poco di compagnia poiché la solitudine, dopo la morte di mia moglie, e terribile da sopportare, credo di essere disponibile generoso ed amo viaggiare, mangiare bene e giocare a Burraco o Poker. Cerco una donna tra i...

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Like to stay healthy and start to enjoy life... so being active and trying to stay healthy. I hike, fish, camp, bike, sight seeing, dinners, dancing. Well trying to find someone that would like to enjoy each other's company... And have fun...

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Kedvesnek és fiatalosnak tartom magam. szeretek beszélgetni hetven öt tizenhat nulla nulla harmincegy

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I'm compassionate, empathetic, loving, and generous. Looking for companionship, from a strong, yet gentle person with intelligence and a kind heart. Time is running out and I want to enjoy the rest of what years I have left with that someone soon. I...

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